2. Transformational Stories

Vol. 23with my Video Story I loved English! - What I learned from my students By Ms. Itsumi Nakada, English Teacher, Japan

“In order to solve my issues, I had studied various practices involving the mind and heart. As a result, there were times when I had brief mental relief, but my sense of anxiety would come back and I was never totally free of anxiety.” When I encountered Miross, I found it was different from anything I had ever seen before.

My storyJuly 10, 2018
Vol. 22 “Stop Being a Tragic Heroine – Traps of Interpersonal Relationships” By Ms. Yukiko Saiki, Salesperson, Japan

“If I did not encounter Miross, I would have kept hating my parents, lamenting my background, hating myself, and being a tragic heroine. In all likelihood, I may not have survived …”

My storyJune 1, 2018
Vol. 21 Seize your happiness – Break free from masks By Ms. Hiromi Nakamura, Miross Instructor, Japan

“My family included my father, mother, older brother, older sister, and myself. It was ordinary family as you may think … but, not really. When I was a child, my parents frequently fought and it was loud enough that the neighbors knew and used to gossip about my family. ”

My storyApril 8, 2018
Vol. 20 Escaping from a negative spiral – We can resolve karma by using Miross! By Ms. Sanae Kuwayama, Housewife, Japan

“My husband had an affair and I was devastated. I tried to commit suicide, but I did not have enough courage of doing so. I decided to live for my child, but despite of this will I had urge of killing or abandoning the child ….”

My storyMarch 3, 2018
Vol. 19with an interview video Reset and re-start your life! By Ms. Miyuki Ogawa, financial planner & internet radio DJ, Japan

“I do wonder what would have happened to my family if we did not encounter Miross.
Probably my husband and I would have gotten divorced and the entire family would have fallen apart. I might not even be alive.”

My storyFebruary 8, 2018
Vol. 18 “Liberation from a sense of guilt” By Ms. Midori Fukuda, Nursery Teacher, Japan

“I thought,” why do things never go as I wish, no matter how hard I work?” The Miross system clearly gave the answers to all of my questions about life. By practicing Miross, I discovered that an incident from my past caused all of the twists and turns in my life. ”

My storyJanuary 13, 2018
Vol. 17with my video story Ending Depression in an Instant! By Ms. Kaoru Ueno, Vineyard manager, Japan

“During the lecture a thought struck me: “Oh, I determined everything by myself.” Then I suddenly felt my depression lifted instantly. I felt a huge burden lifted from my back. I voiced my thoughts, saying, “My burden disappeared!” I knew my depression was gone. It was surreal.”

My storyDecember 1, 2017
Vol. 16 Transformation of the Life I Had Built on My False Assumptions By Mr. Kenichi Fujii, Company employee, Japan

“I don’t know how many times I attempted committing suicide. I remember I was surfing on the internet looking into different ways to do so. I was also battering my wife and needless to say, our relationship was at worst. It was at this time that I encountered Miross.”

My storyOctober 5, 2017
Vol. 15with an interview video Live in Miross – A new way for marriage By Mr. Satoshi Nakamura, Tax Counsellor & Mrs. Kimie Nakamura, High School Teacher, Japan

“At first glance, work and finances do not seem to have any connection to marital relationships, but in fact, they are closely linked, and the key is found in a partnership. We truly feel that the space between us has unlimited potential.”

My storySeptember 1, 2017
Vol. 14 A Cinderella Story – An Incredible Transformation of a Life By Ms. Sachie Umetsu, Dietitian, Japan

“What good am I?” I was overcome with a sense of emptiness, and I stopped going to school. I began to strongly believe that I was worthless and attempted suicide several times. I was obsessed with dying and disappearing from this world. My father was diagnosed with cancer a year and a half ago. He then committed suicide as a result. To make it worse, I was totally overwhelmed by a series of difficulties in interpersonal relationships. When I was at a total deadlock, I encountered Miross.”

My storyAugust 1, 2017
Vol. 13with a video presentation Renaissance of the Family by Overcoming Inner Conflicts By Mr. Shinsaku Mikumo, Insurance Agent, Japan

“When I first attended a Miross seminar, I described my daughter’s illness to the participants. That was the first time that I had talked about her problems with people outside the family. To my surprise, the lecturer said, “Everything is fine! There’s no problem!” No one has ever told me such a definitive thing and with so much confidence. It struck me that she actually can be all right and I saw a ray of hope.”

My storyJune 1, 2017
Vol. 12 Ending the Search for External Light By Ms. Mayu Singaki, House wife, Japan

“Even when I felt that I achieved something, I ended up losing it. Devastated by this repetition of success and failure, I turned to spirituality to find the answer to my life. However, traveling overseas or attending expensive seminars did not change me at all. I hated myself more than ever.”

My storyMay 1, 2017
Vol. 11with a picture story Experiencing Life Transformation through Bullying By Ms. Hitomi Takayama, Self-employed, Japan

“After graduating from elementary school, I continued to be traumatized by bullying throughout my school years as well as in my workplace. ‘I just want to disappear!’ Eventually I started to consider killing myself, but did not have the courage to take my own life.”

My storyApril 1, 2017
Vol. 10 Escape from 10 Years’ Depression by Ms. Tomoko Ueno, Business consultant, Japan

“I was soon able to go out of my house on a regular basis. Before I knew, I was freed from the depression that had kept me down for over 10 years. It was so amazing to see the way I was able to transform myself. I was the most astonished at the change in my life.”

My storyMarch 1, 2017
Vol. 9with a video interview A Morning without Pain by Ms. Hideko Yoshinaga, Office Clerk, Japan

“I had other doctors prescribe painkillers and took them, knowing that it was not healthy. The doctor told me to stop, but I didn’t. Day after day, I stared at the ceiling from my bed wondering how I can be free of this pain. I thought I would rather die than tolerate such an agony.”

My storyFebruary 1, 2017
Vol. 8 I Have Rediscovered True Love By Ms. Akiko Kohashi, Hospitality Industry, Japan

“I read countless spiritual books and attended self-help seminars, hoping to find happiness, but nothing changed my life. I started thinking, “So there is nothing that can be done with my life”.When I gave up on life, I encountered Miross. Miross taught me that it is possible to change our fate. I felt unfathomable relief to know that for the world I had been looking for actually existed.”

My storyJanuary 5, 2017
Vol. 7 The Day My Inner Struggles Disappeared by Ms. Yukari Akamine, Hospital Secretary and Researcher at the School of Medicine, Japan

“My dream of a perfect marriage where I sought love and freedom was totally shattered. I got divorced and married another man, but it too had the same unhappy ending. These experiences exacerbated my distrust for men, which made me more determined to live as a strong single woman, …”

My storyDecember 15, 2016
Vol. 6 Fate Is Inherited by Ms. Fumie Suzuki,a part time worker, Japan

“Fate is inherited – my life has been just this. Before encountering the Miross system, I had been mentally driven to the edge with a sense of darkness in my mind, and expressing my anger at the injustice of the world. However, thanks to the Miross system, I was able to see the pattern of life passed down to me from my ancestors, and eventually was able to escape from it.”

My storyNovember 1, 2016
Vol. 5 The Identity of the Avoider by Ms. Keiko Higashiyama, Wedding Planner, Japan

“When I was able to identify who the Avoider really was (see below), I was not only shocked by this realization but was also filled with an incredible feeling of freedom. I also realized that nobody, including my father, mother, husband, or even myself, was to blame. It was simply because all of these people did not know the “system”.”

My storyOctober 25, 2016
Vol. 4 The Truth about Anger by Mr. Yoichi Tsukuda, Dairy Farmer, Japan

“My father started a dairy farm, I carried it on, and my son is now helping me. This may sound like our family are happy farmers,
but there was a deep conflict between my father and I for 50 years. However, Miross brought an end to the conflict and changed
it to true love”.

My storySeptember 28, 2016
Vol. 3 From Panic Disorder to True Happiness by Mr. Akira Suganuma, Social Worker, Japan

“You don’t have to attack other people anymore.” I felt how calming and gentle these words are and understood that
I didn’t have to lash out at others, or to hurt myself anymore. Then, I felt something indescribable and warm welling up
from inside”.

My storyAugust 31, 2016
Vol. 2 Dealing with My Stalker by Ms. Yoshiko Fujimoto, Construction Company Staff, Japan

“He then practically started to monitor every move of my life; I had to email him after
I got up, after work, and then call as soon as I got home. I was even obligated to report
to him when I ate, took a bath and who I talked with”.

My storyAugust 10, 2016
Vol. 1 Get Rid of Those Old Thought Patterns! Partnerships Have Infinite Possibilities! by Saori Miyasaka, Corporate Executive, Japan

“When I was about to file the divorce papers for the third or really the last time, I thought,
I encountered Miross. Only much later, I realized that Miross saved our marriage”.

My storyJuly 20, 2016
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