2. Transformational Stories

  3. Here’s what happens just by seeing everything from the Miross perspective

Here’s what happens just by seeing everything from the Miross perspective

Ms. Y.I, Housewife, Gifu, Japan

Vol. 62 (continued from Vol. 63)

Many thanks, Mr. Rossco and Ms. Midori. Here’s what happened to me just by seeing everything from the perspective of Miross.


『My daughter』

Our daughter hated my husband and me, and about 20 years ago she suddenly
disappeared from our home.

Since then, she has suffered many terrible events, starting with serious injuries from domestic violence at the hand of her boyfriend. In recent years, after trying very hard to conceive, she lost her first son at six months old due to illness. This was followed by a divorce, a broken heart, and psychiatric care. It got to the point that she gave up on returning to an active social life.

I was surprised when she suddenly came home on New Year’s Day for the first time in
many years. She even fell asleep in my bed without my knowing and stayed overnight in
our house with no problem.!What has happened to her?
Our runaway daughter of 20 years is now fitting into our New Year’s family reunion circle with no awkwardness! She brought special souvenirs for us: a stylish and delicious bottle
of sake for my husband and a special bottle of white wine for me, a wine lover.
She was strangely normal and didn’t seem out of place, and she was having a great time sharing New Year’s sake with my husband, eating New Year’s food, and giving her nieces Otoshidama (New Year’s gift money) with the aura of an aunt who has always been
around, even though they don’t remember her. For our whole family, it was as if the 20
years of dark times with her had never happened.
When the Noto Peninsula earthquake (magnitude 7.6) hit on Jan 1, 2024, I was at a supermarket buying food for New Year’s That was when my daughter first called me, out of concern.

What on earth is happening to us? After that day, she lost touch with us again.
At the follow-up Miross Practical Course counseling session in February, I brought up the
subject of my daugher. Finally, I’ve been able to see myself in the mirror, not her.
Then she called me again. Had it been years? No, it had been decades. We had a long
phone call just like a normal parent and child. She told me that her life is much more
organized now and that she continues to work. She had found a really sweet partner who embraced her in her entirety, despite the fact that she’s not easy to handle.

It had been a long time since I heard the sound of her calling me ”mom,” and it made me cry.
I recently noticed that her LINE icon was a picture of my husband and me!!!! My daughter had hated her father and mother and stopped living with them. Her rebellion lasted from age 16 to 37. Despite this, she had us both as her LINE icon!  When I saw it, I trembled with joy.
This is the magic of the mirror world! bFamily happiness is the most genuine happiness of all, and I experienced the whole process as the way back to myself.

Miross is awesome! Instructor Kishimoto is awesome! The Rosscos (members of Club Rossco) are awesome, learning together! And simultaneously, my son’s bossy wife has been transformed into a lovely and wonderful daughter-in-law! I’ll continue to post about that.



After living with my son in our house for two years, my daughter-in-law suddenly attempted to leave and take their son back to her parents’ house. My son caught her at the airport just in time. She said it was because she hated me and couldn’t stay with me anymore.
My role as a good mother-in-law was reversed, yes, as a matter of principle of Miross. We were forced to separate, and this time I left home. That was about three years ago.
Since she left, my son has been very attentive to both her and me. I almost always communicate with her through my son.Our communication on LINE was very impersonal. On my birthday last November, I received a LINE message from her. I thought, “Is this another super impersonal LINE message…?” Wait, what? Oh my goodness!

She wrote, “Wishing you more happiness in this year! Thank you for being born into this world♡”
She used a heart♡ symbol!!!! Something had changed. From then on, communication with my daughter-in-law became pleasant.
And then, in February of this year, around the time I was taking the Miross Practical Course, I ran into her at a hot spring. She said, “I’ve been wanting to see you!” and looked so happy in the bath. It was the first time we had communicated with each other while undressed.

I didn’t do anything to change things. I was just seeing her. Before I knew it, I was the only one in the mirror, just as it had been with my daughter. I have nothing to hide anymore. So we met in the hot spring while undressed.

After completing the Miross Practical Course, I finally got a LINE message from my her saying, “Mother, I love you!” Then the other day she visited us saying she wants to declare resolutions. My husband and I listened to her sincerely. She’s now a midwife.
She said, “I want to open a community midwifery center in the city where children and the elderly can get together easily. I want to create a place for everyone and run it as a family.”
She also expressed her desire to run the business together with our son. My husband was put in charge of sales, utilizing his 40-plus years of experience in the field. I was put in charge of the midwifery center, where I am just a grandmother who smiles and laughs.
With this declaration of hers, I felt the passion that brought our disparate families together. I recognized that this created the future of our family. To my surprise, my daughter joined in the enterprise too. (My son and his wife used to ask me if they could sever ties with my daughter…)

This is what Instructor Kishimoto means when she says that when you love yourself, the whole world changes! It’s amazing… but I know I experienced it.

I realized this as I wrote this post. The relationships that surround me now have completely changed, and I am experiencing a new way of relating.It’s really changed!
I’m finally on the threshold of a more amazing creation! I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who have been a part of my life.