Transformational Stories
“A world where people can laugh from the bottom of their hearts”

“A world where people can laugh from the bottom of their hearts”
By Ms. Miki Tasaka, Miross instructor, Ehime, Japan“Thank you for your kind support in 2023!” I received this happy message by LINE on New Year’s Eve this year from a nonmember of Club Rossco.
She had enrolled in the Miross Practical Course right after my counseling session with her, despite the fact that she had never heard of Miross and hadn’t taken the basic curriculums.
When she was in high school, her mother disappeared. Three years later, her mother’s body was found deep in the Fuji forest. She went alone to retrieve her body.
From that day, her father and siblings were forced to live together in strength.
But just as they were about to do so, her father went off to his mistress.
She was left to raise her two younger brothers on her own. The brothers grew to be independent, but one of them became a gambling addict and was ill as well.
She took him in and fell into a state of worry about paying for everything he would need.
I wept at her transformation. Here is her story.
After attending the Miross Practical Course, every time I had a negative feeling about someone I was involved with, the scene would stop and I’d feel like there was a Mobius strip floating in the space between me and the other person. Then the understanding hit me, “That person is me!” Five people with whom I had this experience retired or were transferred and disappeared from my world.
I started noticing changes, starting with a member of my staff who was irresponsible and just mouthy. When I saw him for the first time in a month and a half, he said, “I’ll take care of it from now on, so please ask me anything! ”
He was a young guy who looked like a J-pop star, but he became very masculine.
He looked so different from before that I could hardly tell it was him.
I used to think he would just say yes and not do the work after all, but now he’s a different person, rushing in immediately to deal with any problems.
The contractors we dealt with had also been out of control.
But then one person showed up and did a much better job than expected. He’s made our daily work dramatically easier. We call him Kami (God).
The people and environment around me changed to an amazing degree. I changed my whole way of being and stopped working so hard to carry the burden for others. I realized that I had been making things difficult for myself by sticking my nose into areas other than my own, because it was my character to noticing everything around me. I realized that I did this because I wanted to be needed.
One month after I changed my way of being, my brother, who had a hernia that caused him pain even when he slept, healed dramatically and started working.
I thought he wouldn’t go to work right away, but then he said, “If I don’t work, I can’t bring money into the house!” He also changed to a less intensive way of working. I realized that I was the brother who got the hernia.
In the Miross Practical Course, I learned that I was born despite amazing odds, and therefore I no longer want to be needed. I’m as precious as a national treasure! From now on, I decided, I’ll treat myself that way and put it into practice.
I stopped saving money, started buying better food that cost three times as much, and started spending money on myself. When I was saving money I didn’t have enough, but now I have extra. When I started spending money on myself and filling myself up, my brother brought money into the house. I also realized that the way I treat myself is in proportion to the way people around me treat me.
I used to think that everyone around me was changing but that I wasn’t. I noticed that I was the one who always chose the same things: the stores I went to, the places I went, the food I ate. I realized that while I say I want to change, my behavior never changed. When I started to change my usual choices, the whole world changed. My body changed.
“I have changed” in the latter half of 2023.
And then something shocking happened. My favorite actor, Hugh Jackman, got divorced!
He was famous for loving his wife.
I remembered a conversation I had when I worked as a receptionist at a health clinic.
One day, I said to the head of the clinic:
I: “I still want to go collect seven Dragon Balls, so I’m quitting.”
Director: “…?”
Director: “How many did you just collect?”
I: “Three!”
Director: “What do you want to achieve by collecting seven?”
I: “It’s obvious, I’m going to marry Hugh Jackman!”
Director: “Hugh Jackman is married and famous for loving his wife! There’s no way he’s getting a divorce!”
I: “Maybe not in your world, but it might happen in my world,” I chuckled to myself. “I’m going to practice now. Come on out, Shen Long!”
Director: “Hey, are you crazy? Or are you crazy?”
I remembered having this silly, funny interaction.
My dream of marrying Hugh Jackman was half true, but the other half was that I wanted to make more people smile.
I quit working at the health clinic because I didn’t get to meet many people and I wanted to meet more. My aspiration is to make people smile.
Now I do that through my job as a retail quality counselor, but I don’t care what type of job I have if I can make people smile.
When I think of Hugh Jackman getting divorced, I realize it doesn’t really matter about my brother, or the people around me, or anything.
I just think about how many people I can make smile today. I praise the people in front of me and tell a joke to make them smile every day.
While attending the Miross Practical Course, I dared to show my dark side by making negative statements like “I wish she was dead!” Now it’s flip-flopped. I’m living my life to make those around me smile three times more than before.
I’ve truly come to believe that I’m a wonderful person. From now on, I’ll make my dream come true. A blooming old woman who makes the earth bloom with smiles!
I want to increase the number of people who laugh with happiness outside of the workplace, even if only by one.
I saw a comment in an article about Hugh Jackman’s divorce that said, “If Hugh Jackman and his loving wife are getting divorced, then anything in the world can happen!” I agreed loudly.
The events that happen in front of us are already over and not connected to the next reality.
You can create any event you choose! My awareness has expanded.
I decided to practice Miross steadily every day. I faced myself and what was happening in front of me. Now I can see that everything happened in order for me to know myself and know love.
Even after the course, I felt Instructor Miki’s love for me, as she looked after me well and recommended other courses.
There are many things that I haven’t written about. There are things I realized during a conversation with someone or while watching a video that cleared up misunderstandings. I’ve spent more time feeling love and knowing that I was loved by my parents, my brother, and the world—and that I’m loved right now, too.
I’d like to thank everyone who helped make this happen. Thank you very much! The love I received from Instructor Miki is given to those around me.
I’ve always wanted my mother’s approval, but I also realize that from the beginning, she recognized my competence and asked for my help in the event that something happened.
I’m going to turn my life upside down and live like Instructor Miki, who leads people to happiness.
To those around me I say, “Finally, here’s my cue! Thank you for waiting!” So far only old ladies in the neighborhood say, “Yes, we’ve been waiting for you!”
Thank you, Instructor Miki. May 2024 be an increasingly fruitful and prosperous year!
Message from Instructor Miki
This student had never before seen the Miross system, the blueprint of human consciousness.
When I heard that she’d gone to retrieve her mother’s body, I honestly wondered if I’d be able to save her in the three remaining sessions. But the sessions were such that those fears were blown away. All five students had experienced the suicide of a family member.
At that point, I realized that I couldn’t handle it from my perspective as an individual, so I left it completely in the hands of the Programmer and Mr. Rossco.
The Miross Practical Course ended with four people expressing their transformation and gratitude. In her case, however, she said that while she felt more at ease, she didn’t quite understand the Miross system yet and was just starting to learn.
Reading between the lines of the LINE message I received from her, I could tell she was full of energy and could feel that she had come back to life. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been practicing Miross. You can transform yourself instantly! Once again, I was made to feel amazing on New Year’s Eve.
I’m grateful to be able to instruct my students and grow with them. Just thinking about how her beneficence is spreading further makes me cry for joy.
And at the same time, I understand that the groundwork has been laid to penetrate deeper into society. Thank you very much again this year, Mr. Rossco and Ms. Midori.
In the year of the dragon, we are rising higher and higher!